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Renewal of signature devices (smart card/token)

Open FirmaCerta with the signature device connected to the computer, then click on "Device Manager > Certificates Renewal".

Read and confirm the restrictive terms and click NEXT.



Then click "Select Device" and enter the Pin for the recognition of the device and the reading of the certificates.




The tool will propose to display (optional) and digitally sign (mandatory) a .pdf file for the request of the certificates renewal. Select "OK", when required, to complete the signature operation.

Wait until the renewal procedure will be completed.

At this point, the tool will propose to sign the renewal certificates contract automatically, asking the user if view it it or not.

Once the certificates will be displayed select "Renew Certificates".



Then, the tool will propose to display or not the request for renewal, in both cases, the file will be digitally signed.



If you have selected to view the PDF document the program will show the certificate renewal contract. To complete the whole process the user must apply his/her signature by clicking on the file shown.




Wait to complete the renewal process and end the operation pressing OK.




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