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FirmaCerta - Installing FirmaCerta software (WINDOWS)

Click HERE to download the signature software, or go to, and click Download Software Firmacerta > Versione Desktop per Windows.

After downloading the software, proceed with the guided installation.

Compliance with software copyright laws must first be confirmed. The installation programme will suggest the user folder by default.


IMPORTANT: if you wish to change the destination folder, ensure you have the necessary permissions, or request support from the system administrator. 

mceclip0.png       mceclip1.png

N.B. If you are installing the FirmaCerta to use a Remote Signature certificate check the box: Install Remote Signature Service.

  • This feature will enable the Namirial SignEngine service by default and will not install the drivers for the Smart Card-Token Sim Card.
  • Select Install Both if you wish to also install the drivers for the Smart Card and Token Sim Card devices.

Press next to begin installation and wait for the installation process to complete.





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