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Remote and Automatic Signature certificate Renewal

Research Namirial Portal at the address:



Click “Access” and use your Namirial ID to enter your private area:




In the homepage, look for the “Certified data owned by the user” section, then click “Show”:




You will be presented with the list of qualified certificates associated with your account.

Select the Remote Signature authorized for the renewal (Status: “To renew”):


Click now “Renew” to access the following section and sign the renewal request:



The “Show contract” button will allow you to download the request form you are about to sign.

Insert now the following data:

  1. PIN: insert the PIN associated with your Remote Signature;
  2. Send via SMS: click it to receive via SMS the OTP to be inserted in “OTP code”.
    Note: if your Remote Signature is not associated with an SMS OTP-type, the Mobile-App option will be available.
  3. OTP code: insert the code you received via SMS or generated via App.

Now click “Sign and renew” and wait for the Portal to show the following message:




Your Remote Signature has been now renewed. You can click the “Download signed contract” button to obtain the signed renewal request.

A message confirming the successful renewal of the Remote Signature will be sent to your email account.



  • The new Qualified Certificate will have a duration of 3 years plus the validity-days left on the previous certificate (eg. 3 years + 15 days);
  • The PIN to use the new Remote Signature will remain the same.


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