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Namirial Sign - how to sign a document?


To proceed with signing a document, click on 'Sign' from the menu on the left of the Home screen.



Drag the document to be signed into the appropriate box or upload it via the "Upload" button.
Click on "Next" botton to continue. 



Set the type of signature with which you wish to sign the document: 

  • CadES: generating a file in .p7m format
  • PadES: generating a file in PDF format. 
    By selecting this signature type, it will be possible to place the logo on the signed document; the number and position of the logo can be chosen by the signatory via the "Add signature field" function. 


If in possession, it will be possible to affix a time stamp via the 'Add Time Stamps' option.

Click on "Next" botton to continue. 







Select the signature certificate to be used to sign the document (remote or local) by entering your user name and clicking on 'Retrieve'.




Once the certificate has been selected, enter the pin associated with it and select the folder in which the signed file will be saved. 
Click on "Confirm" botton.




Open the Namirial OTP app and enter the code generated by the app in the spaces provided. 
Click on "Confirm" botton.




Wait for the process to be finalised. 





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