To check the validity of a digital signature in a document proceed as in the following steps:
Load the file digitally signed into the program and click Verify.
After clicking Verify a summary window will be opened as follows:
if appear the lettering “the certificate has not been verified” it means that the check of the signature has not been automaticcaly started, so it will be suitable manually start the verification clicking on the Verify button. In the left column it’s possible to view the file that has been digitally signed and who have signed it.
Example: In this case the signed file “is test.pdf.p7m” and it has been signed by two users: TEST COGNOME1 and TEST NOME COGNOME2
In the right column it’s possible to find the Result of the verification and the Details of the certificate, so that is:
- the type of signature and its validity
- the entity that issued the certificate
- the data of the holder
If the problem persit