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FirmaCerta - How to digitally sign a file using a Smart Card and Sim Card Token

FirmaCerta graphic interface is simple and intuitive.

The menu is made up of the main functions of software:

  • Digitally sign any files
  • Affix Timestamp
  • Use the Graphometric Signature
  • View and Verify digitally signed files


Here's how to digitally sign a document

FirmaCerta can be used to sign any document using one of the following methods:

  • Drag & Drop: Drag the file(s) to be signed to the FirmaCerta software window, let go, and then click the SIGN icon; multiple files can be dragged and dropped simultaneously.
  • From the file: Use the mouse to right-click directly on the icon of the file(s) to be signed and select “Sign” from the drop-down menu.
  • Via the software: Click the SIGN icon directly to search your computer for the file you want to sign.

Upload the file to be signed to the programme, and click SIGN.  


N.B. The FirmaCerta software allows users to sign any type of file in CAdES format (i.e. .p7m); in the case of PDF or XML files only, a message will appear on the screen asking whether to sign in .p7m format or maintain the original file format.


If signing a PDF or XML file, once the user clicks "sign", a window will appear asking them to specify the format to use to sign the document.

  • Press Yes to apply a PAdES (or XAdes) signature, maintaining the .pdf or .xml format
    (for more information see PAdES signature and XAdES signature)
  • Press No to apply a CAdES signature, in .p7m format.


Select a destination folder for the signed file, then click OK


Proceed with the signing operation by pressing Yes

N.B. We recommend creating a dedicated folder in which to save the digitally signed files.


Enter the PIN of the digital signature device and click OK


Once the operation has been processed, click OK to complete the procedure.




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