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Namirial Sign Portable - How do you sign a document?

Insert the USB Token and start NamirialSign.exe.




If the software does not detect certificates, the application will not start and must be closed.

If the certificates are on board the token it is always recommended to check that there are no updates by clicking on the "VERIFY UPDATES" button.

The operations that can be performed are Signature, Verification and Time Stamp on file.

Click on the "Apply Signature + " button.




Use one of the icons  to access files on your Desktop, Documents or Downloads.

You can still search for the file in any folder on your PC by clicking on the button 





Select or drag the file to be signed into the left pane.

Click on PROCEED and then on Associate new Identity.




Enter your username and click Confirm.  If you have several signature certificates associated with your username, you can choose the one you want to use from the drop-down menu. 

The Cloud symbol refers to virtual remote certificates.

The symbol of the USB port to physical ones (Smart Card, USB token ).

Then click on PROCEED.




After choosing the certificate you want to sign with, you can choose the format you want to assign to the signed file ( PDF, P7M, XML ) then click PROCEED.




Enter the PIN and complete the signing process.




At this point you can either Verify the file or Encrypt it.




If you are using a remote signature, the OTP code will be requested after entering the PIN.






As we have seen it is possible to associate multiple signature identities and then proceed with both Remote Signature certificates and the signature certificate contained in the token’s Sim.

If you already have MyNamirial credentials, you can sign the certificate with your signature on a SIM card without limit. Otherwise, the maximum number of signatures allowed in this mode is three (3) per day.

If you proceed with the fourth signature of the day, the software returns the following warning:




Clicking on the LOGIN ->] button will take you directly to the authentication page with


Click on REGISTER and create the account.

After the registration, the system will bring you back to the software page to proceed with the next signatures.





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